How to Heal from Sexual Trauma

Some things in life leave us scarred, but the outside world can't see them. We carry them everywhere with us, a reminder of something terrible and awful that we went through.

You question what you could have done differently. You go through every scenario of what happened and think, "What if..." Trauma can shake you to your very core and sexual trauma is no different.

Sexual violence is an all-encompassing term that refers to sexual crimes such assault or abuse. Examples of sexual trauma include:

  • Child sexual abuse

  • Incest

  • Sexual abuse from a partner

  • Rape

  • Being touched anywhere without consent

  • Having personal photos or videos taken of you without consent or used maliciously as revenge

In every single case of sexual violence, it is never, ever the survivor's fault. The scars from this type of violence against you may feel like they are a permanent part of your identity, but you can heal.

How to Heal from Sexual Trauma

Practice Mindfulness

It's common for many sexual trauma survivors to struggle with anxiety and depression in the aftermath. You may fear the future and what it may look like after the trauma occurred. Your emotions and thoughts are likely all over the place, causing you to be in a low mood as you think about the past and what happened to you.

Mindfulness techniques that help ground yourself to the present moment can be really helpful when it comes to combating anxiety and depression. Find small moments each day to meditate, practice yoga, or journal your thoughts and feelings out.

Extend Grace To Yourself

silhouette of a woman with long hair with glow from the sun behind her

Sexual trauma is never the victim's fault. However, it's incredibly common for many to place blame on themselves after prolonged abuse or isolated incidents. It was not and never will be as a result of something you did or didn't do, how you dressed, or how you behaved. Period.

Give yourself grace and understanding. Go easy on yourself in your understanding that you went through something absolutely traumatic and it impacted you. There may be ups and downs in your path to healing, but there will be progress, even if it doesn't seem like it.

Find a Support Group

It's a terrifying fact that sexual assault incidents happen far more in society than most are comfortable talking about. It should never happen, but the great news is that there are support groups and resources for survivors. Reach out to local therapists and ask them for resources for sexual assault survivors and groups that can help you find your voice again. Sharing your story may be incredibly difficult, but it can be a step towards healing by realizing that you aren't alone with this.

Find Something that Empowers You

You lost all sense of control over your own life. Your understanding of humans was shattered, in spite of you knowing that humans are capable of cruel and terrible things. You never thought it would happen to you.

Some people may feel empowered by volunteering in the community or starting up a support group if they can't find one. Others may find that changing their look with a haircut or new clothes can help them feel better. And still, others may find that just starting a new hobby or activity makes them feel better. There is no wrong answer to how you choose to reclaim your power and voice.


Trauma of any kind can impact a person's life. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to reach out to a therapist. You don't need to struggle through your anger and sorrow over what happened. I would be honored to support you on your journey of healing with sexual trauma therapy.


Running Toward Healing: How Physical Activity Supports Survivors of Sexual Trauma


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